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Reduce Cellulite in Michigan

March 17 2021

Reduce Cellulite in Michigan

At Pure Laser Med Spa, get your skin smooth and tightened while improving its circulation. At Pure Laser Med Spa in Michigan we offer Endermology Synergie, a vacuum-massage technology that has been medically proven to smooth out and tighten up the skin while improving its overall circulation.

Background on Cellulite
Cellulite is a skin appearance of “dimples” on the buttocks, outer thighs or other areas where fat deposits can be found. The cause of cellulite is after more fat cells get stuck between the vertical strands of tissue connecting to the muscle underlying. Poor diet, lack of exercise, poor circulation and insufficient water intake could be any of the reasons why this occurrence happens. Sometimes as we get older, our vertical strands of tissue lose elasticity and start to shrink. The combination of these perpendicular strands of tissue pulling in on your skin and fatty deposits while fibrosis is pushing out against your skin is what causes a “dimpled look” of cellulite.

Benefits of Cellulite Reduction
The benefits of cellulite reduction include improving the texture of the skin tone and elasticity with an added healthy glow to it! Cellulite reduction benefits also include a stimulation of blood circulation by activating the lymphatic circulation, the improved circulation in the veins and the flushing out built up toxins. In addition, cellulite reduction helps to unclog tissues in the body and release water retention.

Reduce Cellulite with Endermology Synergie
Endermology Synergie for cellulite reduction is a very strong option to provide a temporary reduction in the surfacing of cellulite and also cellulite-treated areas. This reduction system uses absolute vacuum massage technology to smooth and tighten up the skin while enhancing its circulation overall.

Try the Synergie Cellulite Program in Michigan at Pure Laser Med Spa. The number of treatments is customized to meet the customer's goals. Treatments last approximately thirty minutes. A standard Synergie treatment program involves a series of twice per week sessions, followed by regular maintenance visits. Phase One treatments (twice per week) usually last two months, but also can be modified to meet your desired results.

If you have desired to reduce cellulite, consider Endermology Synergie in Michigan at Pure Laser Med Spa. To schedule a consultation, contact us today!

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